The installing or uninstalling issue occurs when the owner is trying to add or remove a program to a PC. A message or dialog box may appear when it encounters a problem saying “There is a problem installing or uninstalling program…” or something like it. If this happens, then there’s a big possibility that your PC has software issues or incompatible installation of software.
To know more about the issue and how to fix it, we recommend you continue reading this post. I will give you the safest troubleshooting procedures as possible. Before we begin though, it is best that you have a little knowledge about computer or know what you are doing to avoid causing more serious problems and avoid bricking your PC. If possible, you can allow anyone at home who knows PC and follow the procedure just to be safe.
Before we jump into our troubleshooting, if you found this page because you were trying to find a solution to a different problem, then visit our Windows 10 troubleshooting page for we have already addressed some of the most common Windows 10 problems and errors. Try to find issues that are similar with yours and use the solutions and troubleshooting methods we suggested. If they don’t work for your or if you need further assistance, fill up our PC issues questionnaire and hit submit to contact us.
Now, if you’re ready, then follow the troubleshooting below…
Troubleshooting Windows 10 PC that has issues installing or uninstalling apps
Step 1: Make sure your PC is connected to Internet
This is a basic and important factor to remember when troubleshooting a PC at home. Originally, the Windows OS is capable of finding a fix automatically when connected to the internet, you can perform the automatic fix if a dialog box appear and has link to fix it automatically.
Step 2: Install the latest update as possible
Often, issues like this occurs if your drivers are out-of-date and to fix it is to install the latest update. In case you didn’t know how to install latest windows update or did not know the latest update, follow the steps below:
- Click Start menu on desktop
- Type ‘Windows update’ on the search box
- Click ‘Windows Update Setting’
- Locate and click ‘Preview builds’ on the left panel
- Then, click ‘Check now’ option
- Click ‘Download builds’ to download and install the latest updates. NOTE: While waiting to finish the download, you can play the ‘waiting game’ to avoid boredom while downloading until it’s finished.
Alternatively, you use an ISO image file to install the latest update and perform common way of installing a program but, downloading the whole file is needed.
Step 3: Download Program installer or uninstaller troubleshooter
This is a useful troubleshooter tool to install or uninstall a program. It can repair files that are corrupted and patching it. It can clear and remove any bad registry keys in the OS and can fix the problem that blocks installing or uninstalling programs. How to download this tool, just go to go their support website download it.
Step 4: Create a System Restore Point
Mostly, issues can be fixed easily if you have created a system restore point. The purpose of this tool is mainly restoring your PC’s setting back to the time you created restore point, mainly this is a backup or system protection for future issues just like this. It is highly recommended that creating a restore point before adding and after removing program to your PC. If you haven’t done it yet, then follow this steps to help create a restore point.
- Click Start button on desktop
- Type ‘System Restore’ on search box
- Click ‘Create System Restore’ under the System panel
- Click ‘System Protection’ Tab
- Click ‘Create’ button
- Create a name for your System restore point
- Once done, click create
- Click ‘Close” if the confirmation box appear
Step 5: Install or Uninstall program while in Safe Mode
This is not commonly used as an alternative way to add or remove a program to your PC because it can’t help resolving this issue. Yes, it will remove or add the program but it’s frustrating to boot in safe mode everytime you install or uninstall a software. If it’s a serious issue, there is no guarantee that you can perform this procedure too. However, in case you choose this option, you can easily perform the traditional way of adding or removing programs. To help you, follow these steps below:
Installing a program
- Insert the CD/DVD/USB
- Wait for installer dialog box to appear
- Follow and understand the instruction given (e.g. creating a name, folders, location, etc.)
- Restart your PC after installation
Uninstalling a program
- Click Start button on desktop
- Type ‘Control Panel’ on search box
- Click ‘Programs and Features’ option
- Locate and select the program to be removed
- Click ‘Uninstall or Change’ program option
- Click ‘Uninstall’ to confirm
- Wait until the process is finished, then restart your PC.
Step 6: Have the Tech handle the issue
Remember, you can always bring your PC to the professionals to let them handle the issue in case the issue is not fix. The main purpose of this guide is save you a trip bringing your PC to the nearest service center, if it was fixed.
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